Public Records Archive Nov. 20-Dec. 21
MISD Public Records Log | ||||||
11/18/2020 through 12/08/2021 | ||||||
Attached to 1800 OE-9 (12/09/2021) | ||||||
Request Date | Requestor | Records Requested | Estimated # Pages | Staff Cost | Add'l Cost Estimate | Total Cost |
11/19/2020 | Melville Petrosky | Records relating to staff and/or personnel training about Dyslexia and/or Specific Learning Disorder in reading and/or spelling 2018-present | 2048 | $ 2,766 | 270 | $ 3,036 |
12/9/2020 | Salim Nice | Location of Recent MOUs (publicly available) | 0 | $ - | $ - | |
12/10/2020 | Ashley Gross | Results from the MISD Student and Parent Exit Survey from 7/1/2017-12/10/2020 | 40 | $ 99 | $ 99 | |
12/10/2020 | Ashley Gross | All District legal fees, including special education, incurred in the past three years (both in-house and outside counsel fees) and what source of funds the fees were paid out of (including settlement agreements); risk management insurance policy cost and coverage information; amount of legal fees (% SPED) paid for through insurance policies; and dollar amount and percentage of total legal fees paid for by IDEA funds in the past three years | 112 | $ 87 | $ 87 | |
12/20/2020 | Meg Hamill | Staff training in: Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, Dyscalculia, ADHD, executive function, study organization, cognitive flexibility, written expression, social emotional coaching and learning, and other disability related challenges experienced by MISD students | 2458 | $ 3,155 | 730 | $ 3,885 |
12/20/2020 | Meg Hamill | Credentials and training for identified District-level and IMS staff members | included above | $ 551 | $ 551 | |
1/4/2021 | Shannon McMinimee | Investigative Report from Chris Burton dated 11/2/2020 | 29 | $ 489 | 996 | $ 1,485 |
1/12/2021 | Ken Bronson | Directory Information - Lakeridge class size by teacher, including class rosters | 43 | $ - | $ - | |
1/19/2021 | Maria McBride | Directory Information - new-to-District students registered after Oct 2020 | 48 | $ - | $ - | |
1/22/2021 | Andrea Simpson | Directory Information - IP 5th graders for sweatshirt order | 2 | $ - | $ - | |
1/24/2021 | Kate Bergman | Zoom screenshots for yearbook | 0 | $ - | $ - | |
1/26/2021 | Joe Sutton | Current Contracts: (1) Website and/or content management system (CMS) provider; (2) Alerts and/or emergency notification provider; (3) Mobile app provider; and (4) Learning management system (LMS) provider | 11 | $ 116 | $ 116 | |
1/27/2021 | Maricel Aziz | Directory Information - IP Class lists for yearbook | 18 | $ - | $ - | |
2/8/2021 | Vaishali Kukreja | Directory Information - 5th grade at WM for yearbook | 14 | $ - | $ - | |
2/22/2021 | Melville Petrosky | Training provided to MISD staff 2017-present in the following areas: neurodiversity, ADHD, autism, other learning disorders/disabilities, inclusionary practices, SDI, special education; number/% of students receiving SDI exclusively in gen ed setting, by school; number/% of students with disabilities receiving SDI in HiCap, advanced classes or similar, by school | 3281 | $ 2,184 | 168 | $ 2,352 |
2/22/2021 | Melville Petrosky | Certified Instructional Support Specialist Department Manual, records of special education qualifying criteria, and related guidance to staff | 460 | $ 164 | $ 164 | |
2/25/2021 | Derrick Fladseth | Military Directory Information | 34 | $ - | $ - | |
3/4/2021 | Linda Paddor | Directory Information - grades K, 5, 8 and 12 for Grad Grams | 216 | $ - | $ - | |
3/8/2021 | Ryan Evans | Directory Information | declaration not completed, request abandoned | $ - | $ - | |
3/9/2021 | Shawn Lewis | Contracts - Executive Director, Assistant Superintendent | 6 | $ - | $ - | |
3/9/2021 | Suzanne McIntosh | Current enrollment figures | 1 | $ - | $ - | |
3/9/2021 | Victor Maris | Postage equipment lease for the mailing equipment at Admin and/or schools | 16 | $ - | $ - | |
3/29/2021 | Maricel Aziz | IP staff photos and directory | 2 | $ - | $ - | |
3/30/2021 | Melville Petrosky | Communication 1/1/2021-3/26/2021 between: D. Colosky, E. Battersby, F. Rundle, J. Prescott, S.A. Bube, T. Bergstrom, R. Burns, N. Williams, MISD Board Directors; list of newly hired staff/titles from 3/13/2020-3/26/2021 certificated and classified, incl. gross income, hire date and whether contact with students; employee salary/wage increases and/or raises between 3/13/2020-3/26/2021, including employee's name, title and wage before and after wage; and copy of Public Records Log from 1/1/2020-3/26/2021 | 26411 | $ 2,012 | 82637.8 | $ 84,650 |
3/31/2021 | Dan Glowitz | Notifications/announcements regarding changes to HiCap program | 100 | $ 497 | $ 497 | |
4/13/2021 | Maricel Aziz | Directory Information - New students at IP and IP staff yearbook photos 2020-21 | 24 | $ - | $ - | |
4/20/2021 | Jen McLellan | Directory Information - Parent Emails, Grades 5-8 | 114 | $ - | $ - | |
4/20/2021 | Michael Bond | Records relating to District's development and promulgation of race training (DEI) curriculum and education materials from 1/1/2018, incl. correspondence, contracts, proposals, resolutions, and invoices | 53182 (TBD - Still Open) | $ 4,205 | 2037 | $ 6,242 |
4/20/2021 | Sharon Singh | Directory Information - 4-5th grades for Orchestra Boosters | 77 | $ - | $ - | |
4/23/2021 | Ashley Sternberg | Directory Information - WM Class Lists | 3 | $ - | $ - | |
4/28/2021 | Sharon Singh | Directory Information - Current MI Orchestra Families | 16 | $ - | $ - | |
4/28/2021 | W. Jeff Geoghagan | Additions or changes to District curriculum related to or as a result of the 6/3/2020 letter from Supt Colosky; all mandatory District curriculum related to racial tension, systemic racism, institutional racism, social justice, or social inequity; and lesson plans which include references and resource material related to the aforementioned topics | 182 | $ 186 | $ 186 | |
5/1/2021 | Shannon McMinimee | All emails, text messages, or other forms of communication that distribute Mr. Chris Burton‘s report and/or supplemental report to anyone internal or external to the MISD as well as all records that reflect when Mr. Burton completed both his original report and supplemented report. | TBD | $ 172 | 1035 | $ 1,207 |
5/4/2021 | Damian Schwiethale | Curriculum topics and external contacts relating to Islander Hour at MIHS and curriculum content related to "Dynamic Social Justice" for current and previous school year | 336 | $ 739 | $ 739 | |
5/4/2021 | Larry Matthews | List of teachers 2014-2020 who have conditional career and technical education certificate, including all related documents | 378 | $ 625 | $ 625 | |
5/5/2021 | Dylan Crothers | Contract information for District's managed print services program (or contract related to purchase/maintenance of copiers/printers), information on printing devices, and District contact information | 1 | $ 73 | $ 73 | |
5/6/2021 | Jana Parker | All other public records relevant to the investigation of a staff member, including original investigation report and supplements, communication, etc. | 617 | $ 539 | 2313.3 | $ 2,852 |
5/12/2021 | Marni Sheppard | Directory Information - Emails for FAAC event | 267 | $ - | $ - | |
5/1/2021 | Shannon McMinimee | Records re: completed staff investigation | TBD | $ - | 2538.5 | $ 2,539 |
5/21/2021 | Sharon Singh | Directory Info - Orchestra Families Gr 6-12 and number of 5-12 students enrolled in orchestra for 2021-22 | 18 | $ - | $ - | |
5/28/2021 | Tanner Fa | Current transportation contracts (including any amendments/addendums) with the District's transportation vendor(s), summary of annual transportation expenses by vendor for 2018-19 and 2019-20 school years, and District's most recent student transportation RFP and corresponding RFP responses received from bidders | 77 | $ - | $ - | |
6/1/2021 | Dan Glowitz | Records related to recent OSPI investigations regarding special education in the district, including what if any actions were imposed by the OSPI on the district with respect to district-wide curriculum changes | 0 | $ 81 | $ 81 | |
6/4/2021 | Anh Than | HiCap data for research purposes | 5 | $ 274 | $ 274 | |
6/4/2021 | Linda Paddor | Directory Information - MIPTA Council | 1 | $ - | $ - | |
6/14/2021 | Joe Sutton | Current Contracts: (1) Website and/or content management system (CMS) provider; (2) Alerts and/or emergency notification provider; (3) Mobile app provider; and (4) Learning management system (LMS) provider | duplicate request | $ 73 | $ 73 | |
6/14/2021 | Linda Paddor | Directory Information - Grad Grams | 1 | $ - | $ - | |
6/21/2021 | Sally Boyce | Training/professional development and certification documentation for IP paraeducators | 89 | $ 595 | $ 595 | |
6/24/2021 | Dan Glowitz | Contracts for presenters at 6/24/2021 Inclusionary Practices meeting | 25 | $ 99 | $ 99 | |
6/24/2021 | Dan Glowitz | Records relating to potential conflicts of interest in connection with the presenters at the 6/24/2021 Inclusionary Practices meeting, incl. records pertaining to a current school board member or employee of the school administration who helps design or implement the school curriculum; records relating to the emergency meeting on June 14th pertaining to receiving and evaluating complaints or changes against a public officer, incl. records pertaining to a current school board member or employee of the school administration who helps design or implement the school curriculum | 1 | $ 345 | $ 345 | |
6/24/2021 | Michaela Prestegaard | MISD Boundary Map | 4 | $ 12 | $ 12 |
6/30/2021 | Dan Glowitz | All records relating to the Torrance test for Hi-Cap, specifically relationship to ITSB/CogAT, why test is used for disqualification purposes, impact on number of students admitted after including test, how test administered/scored, proctor/scorer training, and if consultation with OSPI/legal counsel sought | 22 | $ 620 | $ 620 | |
7/3/2021 | Ben Matheson | Roster and meeting info (dates, attendees, minutes) for Highly Capable Advisory Cmte | 30 | $ 355 | $ 355 | |
7/15/2021 | Demesha Young | Directory Information for MIYFS | 438 | $ - | $ - | |
7/16/2021 | Joe Sutton | Current Contracts: (1) Website and/or content management system (CMS) provider; (2) Alerts and/or emergency notification provider; (3) Mobile app provider; and (4) Learning management system (LMS) provider | duplicate request | $ 73 | $ 73 | |
7/26/2021 | Meg Hamill | Communication regarding any professional/ethical concerns about two staff members for entirety of their MISD careers | TBD | $ 785 | $ 785 | |
8/2/2021 | Ryan Brooks | Employee information for those represented by MIEA and MIEA information with respect to dues for May 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021 | 102 | $ 621 | $ 621 | |
8/10/2021 | Meg Hamill | Records re: staff training on matters related to special services and highly capable services | TBD | $ 2,846 | $ 2,846 | |
8/13/2021 | Katherine Grove | Information on how many teaching staff members left in 2020-21 school year | 1 | $ 52 | $ 52 | |
8/18/2021 | Katherine Grove | Information on racial make up of MISD staff for MIHS Islander | 6 | $ - | $ - | |
8/19/2021 | Karen Garcia | Current employee/staff contact information | 36 | $ - | $ - | |
8/24/2021 | Danielle Higgins | List of District employees, incl. contact information, school and years in position | 48 | $ 104 | $ 104 | |
8/27/2021 | Mike Reicher | For years 2016-2021, all records of restraint and isolation filed by non-public agency (NAP) schools, restraint/isolation tracking logs, records of District staff/contractor visiting NPA, complaints made to District about NPAs and all NPA contracts | TBD | $ 7,848 | $ 7,848 | |
8/30/2021 | Janie Jordan | All MISD employees' names, emails, title/position, school/bldg | 96 | $ 52 | $ 52 | |
8/31/2021 | Andrea Hegarty | Directory Information - New to MIHS families | 630 | $ - | $ - | |
9/1/2021 | Shelley Helms | Directory Information - List of IMS families 2021-2022 | 12 | $ - | $ - | |
9/2/2021 | Julie King Hately | Directory Information - Records for Room Parent, 5th grade class | 7 | $ - | $ - | |
9/9/2021 | Sharon Singh | Directory Information - Student/family info for orchestra students grades 5-12 | 644 | $ - | $ - | |
9/11/2021 | Angel Tormis | All active leases/licenses for cell towers, rooftop antennas, or other wireless installations on property owned or managed by MISD and 24 months of associated payment histories | 10 | $ 73 | $ 73 | |
9/12/2021 | Lekshmi Radhakrishnan | Directory Information - Currently enrolled students, incl. parent contact info, enrollment date, grade, teacher, school for MIPTA Council | 1408 | $ - | $ - | |
9/18/2021 | Maricel Aziz | Island Park class list per grade and teachers/staff list for Yearbook | 16 | $ - | $ - | |
9/22/2021 | Dan Glowitz | Email from Director Giannini Upton to Board and administration re: 4/22/2021 Board mtg and Board Policy 1800 OE-7: Financial Administration | 4 | $ 194 | $ 194 | |
9/22/2021 | Sloane Kreiger | Copies of Board Policy 3211 and Procedure 3211 | 1 | $ - | $ - | |
9/26/2021 | Dan Glowitz | Board Policy 1800, OE-7 Monitoring Report for 2021 and all communication records pertaining to this item leading up to the 4/22/2021 Board mtg | 295 | $ 97 | $ 97 | |
9/27/2021 | Sam Pam | Current public records log (from date of log posted on MISD website through date of request) | 8 | $ 389 | $ 389 | |
10/6/2021 | Auzree Hightower | Any records for a former employee | 11 | $ 49 | $ 49 | |
10/13/2021 | Becky Shaddle | Directory Information - K-12th for MI Boys and Girls Club | 438 | $ - | $ - | |
10/15/2021 | Alexander Lorati | Military Directory Information | 51 | $ - | $ - |
10/19/2021 | Ben Matheson | MISD background check form most recently completed by Brian Giannini Upton (school board member) that is the standard part of parent volunteering for the current year (2021) or the most recent year available (2020, 2019) | 0 | $ 380 | 280 | $ 660 |
10/19/2021 | Adam Burgess | Military Directory Information | 51 | $ - | $ - | |
10/19/2021 | Isolde Raftery | All exemption requests by school building-level workers to forego the coronavirus vaccine, incl. employees whose wages are paid for by the PTA (note if approved) | 31 | $ 174 | $ 174 | |
10/20/2021 | Cathy Chen | Dorian class photos and student candid photos for 2021-2022 school year for NW yearbook, prepared by PTA | TBD | $ 24 | $ 24 | |
10/20/2021 | Thomas McCord | What year was MIHS desegregated and was freshman class in 1962 part of high school or middle school? | 3 | $ 73 | $ 73 | |
10/23/2021 | Ben Matheson | All emails sent and received for the following MI emails accounts: Fred Rundle, Donna Colosky, Erin Battersby and all school board members | TBD | $ 477 | 154 | $ 631 |
10/25/2021 | Tanner Fa | (1) Contracts with student transportation vendors (incl. school bus transportation and alternative student transportation) for 2020-21 and 2021-22 school years; (2) Invoices received from student transportation vendors for 8/2021 and 9/2021; (3) latest school bus RFP and corresponding RFP responses received from school bus vendors/bidders | 8 | $ 121 | $ 121 | |
10/26/2021 | Huy (Andrew) Nguyen | (1) Who is public officer who is subject of the complaint? (2) What is the complaint? (3) On what day did the board first receive the complaint? (4) What is the public officer’s response to the complaint? (5) When does Board intend to make public its response to the complaint? | TBD | $ 49 | $ 49 | |
11/3/2021 | MuckRock News | All public records requests received of the District's responses to Public Records Requests for the time period January 1, 2010, through November 4, 2021. | TBD | $ 435 | $ 435 | |
11/9/2021 | Asher Lehrer-Small | 1) How many current teaching vacancies 2) How many total teachers on staff? 3) What teaching subcategories is District most in need of? 4) How many current support staff vacancies 5) How many total support staff on staff? 6) What support staff subcategories is District most in need of? 7) Qualitatively, are staffing issues this year worse than in years past? | 1 | $ 139 | $ 139 | |
11/22/2021 | Tom Acker | 1) all education-related social media posts or comments made by an identified staff member and board director; 2) District social media policies; 3) all social media posts, emails, private messages, and texts from certain board directors and a staff member regarding questions asked of and answers provided by a board director in the course of a background investigation; 4) all social media posts and communication made by a staff member regarding board member's volunteer form submission; 5) copies of any District policies regarding background investigations of board directors and potential Directors; 6) texts, social media posts/messages and emails regarding staff member participation in social media discussions; 7) all social media posts made by a staff member and identified directors on social media sites that focus on District policy and processes; 8) number of public records requests made regarding a board member's submission of District's volunteer form and related background check as well as a staff member's participation in social media discussions; 9) for the period Jan 2012 - Nov 2021, broken out by year: a) number of legal complaints, b) number of legal cases, including those settled, adjudicated or resolved in the courts, c) dollar value of any settled cases, d) district's legal costs, e) number of public disclosure requests, f) cost of public disclosure requests, g) number of public disclosure requests where courts determined District was out of compliance, and h) legal fees paid by District or its insurers related to complaints or legal actions against the District; 10) number of legal cases pending against the District, 11) any and all records or communications that show or discuss future District enrollment projections; and 12) titles of an identified staff member, and dates held. | TBD | $ - | $ - | |
11/24/2021 | Whitney Englund | Directory information for student | 1 | $ - | $ - | |
95131 | $35,591.70 | $93,159.60 | $128,751.30 |