Public Input
The purpose of Board Meetings is for the Mercer Island School District (MISD) Board of Directors (Board) to conduct its business in public; however, the Board recognizes the value of public comment on educational issues and the importance of involving members of the public in its meetings. In order to permit fair and orderly dialogue, the Board provides a period during each regular meeting when the public may provide input on agenda items or comment on non-agenda items.
If you would like to address the Board on a particular issue, either by Zoom or in person, please download the form linked above, complete it, and it and then submit the complete form to the Board Secretary by emailing it to and at least sixty (60) minutes prior to the start of the meeting. Unless otherwise noted, meetings of the Board are held in the MISD Administration Building Boardroom located at 4160 86th Ave SE, Mercer Island, WA, on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of every month, starting at 5:00 p.m. Board meeting location, dates and times may be subject to change. Board agendas are made available to the public within 24 hours of a board meeting and are posted on the Board Docs website on on the School Board Meeting Calendar and Agendas page in the left hand menu of this page Note that if you plan to address the Board in person, advance notice is appreciated but not required. Forms will be available at the door.
In addition to attending a board meeting and speaking during the public input session, members of the public may voice their opinions by:
- Emailing the Board or Superintendent at
- Writing the Board or Superintendent at 4160 86th Avenue SE, Mercer Island, WA 98040; and/or
- Calling the Superintendent's office, 206-236-3300, or reaching out to individual members of the Board;