New Hire Onboarding
Welcome to Mercer Island School District!
We are grateful to have you join the District and look forward to your arrival. This page provides you with information about onboarding to the District for the 2023-24 School Year.
Mercer Island School District participates in E-Verify
Once you have accepted a job offer and completed your I-9 Form (see information on the I-9 below under Hiring Paperwork), your information will be shared with the federal government to confirm that you are authorized to work in the U.S.
Fingerprints - Your fingerprints must be done prior to your first day of work.
The fingerprinting can be done at the district in our Maintenance & Operations building located at 4140 86th Ave. SE, Mercer Island. Please bring a picture ID to your appointment.
Fingerprinting is $25 paid by credit card at time of the appointment. To make an appointment, click this link.
Onboarding Meetings
Certificated Staff
Human Resources conducts intake meetings in person or via Google Meet to cover essential information for certificated new hires (teachers, OTs, PTs, Psychologists, etc.) as well as answer any questions or concerns you may have. The certificated sessions are the start of onboarding to complement the two-day New Certificated Staff Orientation in August.
Classified Staff
Our classified staff (bus drivers, paraeducators, administrative assistants, secretaries, etc.) have a more in-depth onboarding which is held in-person (or virtually via Google Meet during the year). Prior to the meeting, HR will send you the hiring documents as well as documents specific to your position (job description and any other information helpful to you). The classified sessions will be a full orientation.
Your onboarding meetings are scheduled once per month. We will inform you as to when the next one is scheduled after you apply.
Hiring Paperwork - All employees must complete the following items. Please complete and return these forms on or before your first work day.
The following forms must be completed and returned to Human Resources so we can begin to set you up in the various District systems including Skyward, Frontline, Vector, and other school specific systems. If you have any questions about the forms, please contact Kathleen Long or Angela Zwiefelhofer. Your forms can either be scanned and returned to either Kathleen or Angela or you can drop off or mail the forms to the District's Central Office, Human Resources Department, 4160 86th Ave. SE, Mercer Island, WA 98040.
Network Information Form - This is used to set you up for Google drive, gmail, Skyward, etc.
W-4 Form - Federal tax withholding information. We cannot advise you on how to complete this.
WA Cares Fund Exemptions - The state of Washington has started deductions as of 7/2023 for the WA Cares Fund. Please complete the form linked here to indicate whether you have an exemption or not. If you do, you must upload the letter from the state granting the exemption.
I-9 Form - Within your first 3 days of work, you are required to provide proof of eligibility to work in the U.S. Please note that we must also see the physical ID for your form to be valid. Please contact Kathleen Long to indicate when you will come into the office to show your identification.
Retirement Status Form - This informs the retirement coordinator that you are coming into the Mercer Island system so your eligibility can be determined.
Direct Deposit Form - Please submit this along with a voided check or Deposit Authorization Letter from your financial institution.
Sexual Misconduct Form - Please complete one for every school/district you have worked for in your career.
Race and Ethnicity Form - Please complete this as we utilize this information for state and federal reports. This is optional.
Immunization Personnel Form - If there's an outbreak of disease in the District, information provided on this form will ensure you are able to continue working. This form is optional.
Background Disclosure - This will be emailed to you by HR and you will need to review this information for accuracy. This information must be consistent with the fingerprint results.
Certificated employees also must submit:
Verifications of Professional Experience - This is completed by all previous education related employers and is sent to those employers by you. The schools/districts must have required a teaching certificate for the experience to be used for your salary placement. Additionally, they must complete the form completely. For ESA experience, please contact Human Resources for your specific specialty.
Transfer of Records - If you have worked in a district in Washington State, send this completed form to the district and they can transfer your file to our district.
Official transcripts - These are required for all education, including your Bachelors. The information is used to place you on the salary schedule. If your file is being transferred from another district in Washington, your transcripts may also be sent.
In-state Clock Hour Forms - Clock Hour forms are required to get credit for any state-approved clock hour courses.
Health Benefits (if eligible) - Enroll within 30 days of your first day of work.
Employees who work more than 630 hours per year are eligible for medical, dental, vision, flexible spending accounts and long term disability through the School Employee Benefits Board (SEBB). SEBB is the state entity responsible for providing employee benefits to all public school districts in Washington State. Click here to see more information about SEBB eligibility and offerings.
If you are transferring from another Washington state school district, your benefits will follow you and you will not need to re-enroll.
The HR Coordinator will send you a SEBB Worksheet indicating your eligibility status for SEBB benefits.
Here's the SEBB Enrollment Guide with detailed information about options available to enroll yourself and your dependents.
You will be responsible for enrolling yourself within 31 days of your start date utilizing the SEBB Benefits 24/7 online portal. If you do not enroll, you will be put into default plans, charged a tobacco surcharge and your dependents will not be covered.
Email HR.Help@mercerislandschools for SEBB health benefits questions.
Retirement Benefits - Enroll within 90 days of your first day of work.
Retirement benefits are provided through the state's Department of Retirement Services. View the video below describing the options available to you when you first enroll,