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The Mercer Island School District is committed to the asset preservation of our elementary schools and other district facilities with the goal of improving student experience and system reliability. During the 2023-24 and 2024-25 school years MISD will proceed with capital improvements through the Cap/Tech Levy at our three older elementary schools and other district facilities.

A levy is a short-term, local property tax passed by the voters of a school district that generates revenue for the district to fund programs and services that the state does not fund or fully fund as part of “basic education.”

A bond provides funding for capital projects such as purchasing property for schools, constructing new schools, or modernizing existing schools. Bonds are sold to investors who are repaid with interest over time from property tax collections, generally between 10-25 years. Bonds require a super majority to pass (60%).

Visit Bonds & Levies: The Seeds of School Funding website which provides more information on bonds and levies.

2024-25 (summer of 2025) projects are expected to include:
  • Interior and Exterior Paint at IPE, LRE, and WME
  • Partial Classroom Furniture replacement at MIHS. $200K is budgeted annually for the next three years to replace classroom furniture. Selection will include significant input from students, teachers, and staff, who will work with an interior designer to establish a standard for various areas in the building.
  • Mary Wayte Pool received a $2M grant from King County as a 1:1 match with Cap/Tech funds to provide limited, necessary improvements at the facility. Early 2025 will see the selection of the design team and contractor. Construction work is expected to occur during 2025 and 2026.
  • Department of Ecology stormwater facility maintenance (including the goats at IMS).