Pro/Con Bond Committees
Seeking Members for Pro & Con Committees for Bond Measure
Bond Initiative
On January 16, the Mercer Island School District Board of Directors unanimously approved a measure to include on the April 22 Special Election ballot authorizing the issuance of general obligation bonds up to $165 million. If approved by voters, the funding will be used to modernize school facilities, improve safety and enhance learning.
Pro and Con Committees
Any jurisdiction proposing a bond or levy measure to the voters must seek volunteers to serve on pro and con committees and then appoint up to three members per committee. Each committee is responsible for preparing statements in favor or opposed to the ballot measure which will be printed in the local voters’ pamphlet. Optionally, each committee may prepare a rebuttal statement. Committees may have an unlimited number of people assist them in preparing the statements.
Committee members must reside within the jurisdiction's boundaries and will have their addresses verified by King County Elections. Each committee will designate a spokesperson to communicate with King County Elections. Members' names and contact information for the spokesperson will be included in the local voters' pamphlet.
The District is seeking applications from interested community members to serve in these roles.
February 4 - Applications Due
February 6 - Committee appointments made
February 21 by 4:30 PM - Committee appointment forms due
February 25 by 5:00 PM - Pro/con statements due (limited to 200 words | four paragraphs)
February 27 by 5:00 PM - Optional rebuttal statements due (75 words | two paragraphs)
March 7 - Local voters' pamphlet proofs sent
March 10 by 5:00 PM - Local voters' pamphlet proof responses due
April 2 - Local voters' pamphlets mailed
How to Apply
To apply, please complete this questionnaire.
Applications are due by 11:59 PM on February 4.
Board Directors will review submissions and make committee appointments at the February 6 special meeting.
Link here for a summary of the jurisdiction and committees' responsibilities.