Bond - April 2025
Mercer Island School District is asking the community to consider a bond in April 2025 that would:
- Complete the vision of Islander Middle School (IMS) to reunite the campus under one roof.
- Enhance program offerings at Mercer Island High School (MIHS) through access to improved facilities and equipment such as updating aging equipment and tools to facilitate hands-on learning and modernizing assembly, gym, and theatre space with revitalized materials, equipment, and lighting.
- Repair and replace aging mechanical equipment, replace the fire alarm system, at MIHS and Crest
- Add an elevator at the Administration Building to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Make parking improvements to address ADA access to both Crest Learning Center and the Administration Building.
School construction is minimally funded by the state, which is why school districts rely on local, voter-approved bond funding for major capital improvements.
Bond funding would preserve the community's investment in facilities and ensure safe and sustainable operations.
The total project cost for IMS, MIHS, Crest Learning Center and the Administration Building is $165M. Detailed information about each project full breakdown of the budget are shown in the tabs below.
Learn More About Potential Improvements To Our Schools and Facilities
Bond Timeline-Bond History
The Board approved the 2023-24 Long Range Facility Plan (LRFP) on January 25, 2024, and staff began the Concept Design work immediately after. A leadership team including the school principal, a school staff member, a representative from Learning Services, and representatives from District finance, maintenance, and capital projects, and a site-based committee comprised of students, staff, and community members were established for both the IMS and MIHS projects to provide input on solutions and priorities.
2025 Bond Timeline
FAQ - Bond Basics
- What is a bond?
- When is the bond vote?
- How is a bond different from a levy?
- Why does the district need a bond measure?
- What is required for a bond to pass?
- How do I register to vote?
What is a bond?
When is the bond vote?
How is a bond different from a levy?
Why does the district need a bond measure?
What is required for a bond to pass?
How do I register to vote?
FAQ - Tax Information
- Is there a tax break for seniors?
- Does the District pay interest on bond debt?
- What is the current tax rate for all existing Mercer Island School District bonds and levies? How would the tax rate change if the bond is approved?
- How does Mercer Island’s total tax rate compare with other school districts?
- If my property value increases, does the District collect more money?
- What is the 2014 Bond in 2025 Dollars?
- Is there any state matching dollars available?
Is there a tax break for seniors?
Does the District pay interest on bond debt?
What is the current tax rate for all existing Mercer Island School District bonds and levies? How would the tax rate change if the bond is approved?
How does Mercer Island’s total tax rate compare with other school districts?
If my property value increases, does the District collect more money?
What is the 2014 Bond in 2025 Dollars?
Is there any state matching dollars available?
FAQ - Students
FAQ - Community Input
FAQ - Construction
- What is the schedule for construction?
- What are the sustainability standards of the proposed construction?
- Does the state help pay for construction?
- Are there any rough construction estimates if the bond passes?
What is the schedule for construction?
What are the sustainability standards of the proposed construction?
Does the state help pay for construction?
Are there any rough construction estimates if the bond passes?
FAQ - Elementary Schools
Community members who have questions about the bond can email