Kindergarten Transportation
All Kindergarten students eligible for transportation are welcomed and encouraged to ride the bus to/from school.
- The Mercer Island School District offers school bus transportation to all elementary students that live 0.5 or more walking miles from their home school.
- School buses are by far the safest way for students to get to school. (Referencing a comprehensive study Special Report 269: The Relative Risks of School Travel (National Academy of Sciences, 2002))
- When your student rides the school bus:
- We decrease congestion around the school
- We make getting to school safer for everyone
- We reduce the environmental impact of our schools
- We increase our share of state funding to our district
- Children practice valuable social skills
- Our children make meaningful connections with their peers and our families make meaningful connections with their community
- Kindergarteners must be met at the bus in the afternoon by a designated adult (OR the family must complete a Waiver of Adult Supervision). It is strongly recommended that kindergarteners be accompanied by an adult in the morning too.
- Wednesdays are early release! School dismisses at 2:05pm on Wednesdays (which is one hour and 40 minutes earlier than normal release days). Set a reminder so you are there to meet your child.
- Verify that your address/contact information is accurate. The best way to do this is through Qmaltiv (where you would have registered for Kindergarten). But if you are not sure how to do this, please reach out to the front office of your assigned school.
- Register for transportation! (Follow the instructions on our landing page to get started.) [Registration for 2025 - 26 is not available until late July 2025.]
- Review “Rules and tips for riding the bus” with your rider(s).
- Be at your stop 5 minutes before the designated pickup every day.
Have a great year! Enjoy riding the bus! And don’t hesitate to reach out to us at 206-236-3338 if you have questions or concerns!