The Mercer island School District produces a variety of video features highlighting and celebrating our students, staff, programs, initiatives, and community.
You can watch these videos in the tabs below. And make sure to keep checking back as we will add more videos when they are produced.
Superintendent Rundle
In this tab you will find video messages from MISD Superintendent Dr. Fred Rundle. Since starting in the position on July 1, 2023, Superintendent Rundle has utilized video messages to communicate with Mercer Island community.
2023-24 Welcome Back
Staff Appreciation Message
Rare Disease Day 2023
IMS Chinese Family Night
Welcome To MISD
Thanksgiving & Native American Heritage Day
MISF Giving Tuesday
Diwali & Snow Closures
Kindergarten Info Night
Lockdown Follow Up
Riding With Patrick Rock
SMP Update & Winter Break
Discover The District
MISD has launched a new video series hosted by Communications Coordinator Ian Henry called ‘Discover The District’. Henry will bring along the Mercer Island community as he discovers interesting, informative, and fun things about the District.
Discover The District - Ep. 4
In the fourth episode, Henry chatted with Nova Williams, one of two Directors of Learning Services with the District, about the Seattle Times front page story in April on how the District uses LETRS (Learning Essentials for Teachers of Reading and Spelling) to train teachers and what is was like to appear on the front page of the paper.
Discover The District - Ep. 1
In the first episode, Henry visits with Tony Kuhn, the District’s Director of Facilities and Operations, who, as part of his responsibilities, oversees the Mary Wayte Pool. Tony is a K-12 alumnus and has worked for the District for 33 years.
Discover The District - Ep. 3
In episode 3, Henry talks with District Director of Transportation Patrick Rock about the two electric buses that will be arriving soon, how bus routes are determined, the typical bus driver schedule, and the awesomeness of long-serving bus driver Roy Ellingsen.
Discover The District - Ep. 2
In the second episode, Henry talked with Angela Confalone, a Resource Specialist in Special Education at MIHS about therapy dogs Finley and Little G and the support they give students and staff.
Spotlight Series
Learn how mindfulness is being used at Northwood Elementary to help students to Be the Three: Safe, Respectful and Responsible.
The Mercer Island School District has welcomed more than 50 new certificated staff this year, from seven countries and 15 states. Let us introduce you to three of them.
Spotlight: Winter 2017
KMIH, the Mercer Island High School student radio station, has rebranded as 88.9 The Bridge. The station offers students a unique lab environment for hands-on learning as they operate an FCC-licensed station, mentored by broadcast media instructor Joe Bryant.
Spotlight: Spring 2016
8th-grade social studies classes at Islander Middle School held a Day of Service to help the community. Students assembled hygiene kits and tied blankets for local shelters and painted rocks to be displayed next to the Anne Frank tree planted in the Seattle Center Peace Garden.
Islander Middle School devoted extended lessons around understanding hate and bigotry and the extremes that can occur when these elements are fostered within a society. IMS engaged its 6th and 7th grade students in an important conversation that by understanding hate we will find ways to overcome it. 8th grade students had a culminating experience where they heard from a Holocaust survivor, George Elbaum.
In our spring Video Spotlight, learn more about the Adult Transition and Early Childhood programs and how Special Education is preparing students for life. Thanks to Walgreens and the Mercer Island Athletic Club for providing these work experiences for our students.
Sixth graders at Islander Middle School are learning character essentials in their Extended Core classes this year, building a culture of character and developing important social-emotional skills. This video shows students learning what respect means by writing letters and sending packages to service members through Operation Gratitude.
MIHS Students are using computer programming to cultivate and foster analytical and critical thinking. In this short spotlight video, the viewer will see how thinking, creativity, and problem-solving are all interconnected. The teaching of coding offers our students technology and digital literacy in ways that will help shape their thinking for future cross-discipline tasks.
Northwood and West Mercer Elementary participated in The Great Kindness Challenge, giving students the opportunity to show kindness to their peers in many ways.
Fine Arts - from band and orchestra to drama and photography, these courses enrich the experiences of Mercer Island students at all levels. Meet three fine arts teachers, their students, revisit the tradition of All-Island Band Night and preview the MIHS fall musical "9 to 5."
Mercer Island Schools have introduced a new Elementary World Language program this fall, teaching Spanish to all students in grades K-5. Join us for a visit to Brooke Carwithen’s classroom at Lakeridge Elementary and listen as student talk about how much they are enjoying the experience of learning a new language.
Mercer Island Schools embrace a 2020 Vision, preparing our students to think, collaborate, and to be creative in an interconnected world. This video, created for the 2016 Mercer Island Schools Foundation Breakfast of Champions, shows our students at work learning the foundations of literacy, building global awareness and citizenship, and exploring the frontiers of science.
Unique Features
First Electric Bus Arrival
Mercer Island School District's first electric bus arrived on Friday, April 21, 2023, which is very apropos as it was the day before Earth Day. The District will be receiving a second electric bus soon as well.
Good Luck Jordan! Mercer Island Is With You!
MISD alumnus Jordan Morris played for Team USA at the 2022 World Cup in Qatar. Jordan’s former teachers recorded messages of support and good luck for Jordan and his Team USA teammates prior to the World Cup. This video was very well received in the community and was shared by many news organizations and the Sounders.
MIHS CTE Coordinator Flies With Blue Angels
MIHS CTE Coordinator Jen McLellan flew with the Blue Angels on Wednesday, August 3, 2022. McLellan was selected by the Blue Angels after being nominated by MIHS teacher Joe Bryant, who is the general manager of MIHS radio station KMIH 88.9 The Bridge. KMIH is broadcasting Seafair events, including the hydro races, as part of Log Boom Radio. As of March 1, 2023, this video has over 13,000 views.
Kindergarten Info Night - Ep. 1
Prior to Kindergarten Information Night for the 2022-23 school year MISD Communications Coordinator Ian Henry talked to 2021-22 school year kindergarteners to give future kindergarten families an idea of what to expect in kindergarten. Three fun videos of Henry talking with kindergarteners were produced.
Foster Barragan - MISD School Resource Officer
New School Resource Officer Foster Barragan introduces himself to students at MIHS and IMS and explains a bit about his role in the Mercer Island community.
IMS Q&A With MIPD For National Police Week
For National Police Week, which is May 16 to May 20, three Islander Middle School students interviewed Mercer Island Police Officers over Zoom to inform their classmates about the responsibilities of police officers and how those interviewed chose being a police officer as a profession. Students ShanShan Wang, Avani Josyula, and Elijah Glick talked with School Resource Officer Kristina Lum, Chief Ed Holmes, Sergeant Scott Schroeder, and Officer Art Munoz. This Q&A session was played during Gator Time at IMS during National Police Week.
Kindergarten Info Night - Ep. 2
Kindergarten Info Night - Ep. 3
2022 Seahawks and School Year Kick Off
One of the best times of the year is the start of school year and the start of the NFL season. We celebrated both with this “Seahawks and School Year Kickoff” video. Our Ian Henry talked to first graders, who are learning to read, about their favorite book, if they could read the names of Seattle Seahawks players, and why reading is so important. This video that celebrates reading and the Seahawks is guaranteed to make you smile. This video was shared by local news organizations and the Seahawks on their platforms.
Lakeridge Universal Design For Learning Kindergarten
The Mercer Island School District has moved to Universal Design for Learning (UDL) as a framework for instruction that prioritizes the design and development of curriculum that is effective and inclusive for all learners. We know moving to UDL will generate questions, and with this first newsletter, we want to explain how UDL aims to address the learning needs of all students in the District. In this video posted to the District YouTube channel, Lakeridge Kindergarten teacher Joby McGowan explains how he uses UDL and then shows you how he implemented it in a lesson on hexagons. By asking how many sides a shape has, McGowan is working to develop conceptual knowledge. He is asking students what hexagons look like and how we deconstruct and construct that knowledge, by hands on first, then moving to a more abstract understanding. He is also developing small motor control by asking them to manipulate the shapes, cut the shapes, and draw the shapes. This serves two purposes, creating a kinetic understanding and muscle memory.
MISD launched the PTA Q&A video series in May of 2022. The series features PTA members chatting with MISD staff on a wide variety of student learning topics.
PTA Q&A - Episode 4
The fourth and final part of our first PTA Q&A episode has Mercer Island PTA Council President-elect Amanda Stoffer and Deputy Superintendent Dr. Fred Rundle talking about the feedback system for parents to talk about their child’s curriculum, how the District adjust its learning model when confronted by outlier events like the pandemic, and what Rundle’s favorite subject to teach was when he was at the front of a classroom.
PTA Q&A - Episode 1
In the first episode, PTA Council President-Elect Amanda Stoffer chatted with Deputy Superintendent Dr. Fred Rundle about Curriculum. Their discussion was so wide ranging that we split the episode up into four parts. Part 1 of the episode focuses on District curriculum directives and the District Instructional Materials Committee.
PTA Q&A - Episode 3
Part 3 of the first episode of our new video series “PTA Q&A” sees Mercer Island PTA Council President-elect Amanda Stoffer and Deputy Superintendent Fred Rundle talking about the notification process to families when sensitive curriculum is adopted, the family opt-out process for sensitive curriculum, and the District’s Flash Curriculum.
PTA Q&A - Episode 2
In Part 2, Stoffer and Rundle discuss the rollout process and adoption of new literacy and math curriculum and what type of training and professional development teachers receive when rolling out new curriculum.