MI Phone-Free Schools
To foster the learning environments we desire and promote healthy social and emotional development, Mercer Island School District is implementing MI Phone-Free Schools during the school day in 2024-25 for students at Islander Middle School (IMS) and Mercer Island High School (MIHS).
In the tabs below we explain Why we made this decision, How we are implementing MI Phone-Free Schools, provide a FAQ with four sections (Yondr, Parents, Students, and Staff), and provide additional resources for our community on this policy and cell phones in schools.
This tab includes information on Why MISD decided on MI Phone-Free Schools. The Why of this policy was announced to the Mercer Island community on Wednesday, July 17.
Superintendent Rundle Video Message on New MISD Cell Phone Policy
Superintendent Video Message Slide Deck
The slide deck used by Superintendent Rundle in the video message about MISD's new Cell Phone Policy can be viewed here.
The video message can be watched by clicking on the play icon in the middle of MI Phone-Free Schools image to the left.
Expressed in our values, vision, and mission, Mercer Island School District is committed to fostering whole-child learning by:
- Engaging students in thinking critically and solving problems creatively;
- Creating inclusive and equitable learning settings;
- Ensuring our schools are safe and supportive; and
- Providing rigorous and challenging opportunities for students.
We believe this is possible if we promote a deep sense of belonging for students and ensure they know we believe in their limitless potential.
Whereas we recognize areas we need to improve to fulfill these hopes and dreams and remain resolute in our commitment to do so, we believe social media and ubiquitous access to personal technology devices creates a significant barrier in our schools. Therefore, to foster the learning environments we desire and promote healthy social and emotional development, Mercer Island School District will restrict access to personal cell phones and smart watches during the school day in 2024-25 for students at IMS and MIHS. It is already a practice in our elementary schools that cell phones and smart watches are not allowed and we will emphasize this expectation in the coming school year.
We are calling this new cell phone policy MI Phone-Free Schools.
We will continue to provide information, resources, and updates to our community on the implementation of MI Phone-Free Schools. In this video Superintendent Rundle shares the importance of creating this policy and the benefits it will bring to students.
We will soon share a comprehensive transition and support plan for students, staff, and parents. As part of that plan, we need your feedback. Please complete this brief survey to help us adjust our plan to the needs and questions of the community. In late July, after we have heard from our community through the survey linked above, we will share the transition plan.
Note: We received close to 800 responses to our survey. You can read the results here.
Rooting Our Decision in Data
Every other year, our 6th, 8th, 10th, and 12th graders participate in the Healthy Youth Survey (HYS). Among a variety of questions regarding the health of students in MISD, King County, and across Washington State, students are asked about the impact of the internet and social media. The following results were collected from the fall 2023 administration of the HYS. Based on student and parent feedback as well as lived experience, our administrators and counselors were surprised these numbers were not even higher. Still, they give us pause to intervene.
- MISD Students were asked “How often do you experience increased social anxiety from social media or the internet?” The following responded, “often,” or “very often”:
- 8th grade - 5%
- 10th grade - 12%
- 12th grade - 10%
- MISD Students were asked “How often do you experience feeling a sense of withdrawal when away from social media or the internet?” The following responded, “often,” or “very often”:
- 8th grade - 6%
- 10th grade - 13%
- 12th grade - 10%
- MISD Students were asked “How often do you lose motivation as a result of social media or the internet?” The following responded, “often,” or “very often”:
- 8th grade - 10%
- 10th grade - 28%
- 12th grade - 30%
Administrators of the HYS combine the results from the three questions above to make a ‘Problematic Social Media and Internet Use Measure.’ The intent of this measure is to identify and track risks to youth health and wellness from social media and internet use. Although not reported by individual school districts, these findings are available at the county and state levels and help put MI student risks in context.
- The risk factor to students increased for each grade level between 2021 and 2023:
- 8th grade - 19% to 39% in King County
- 10th grade - 21% to 49% in King County
- 12th grade - 23% to 50% in Washington (not enough 12th graders took the survey to be released by HYS)
- Though not asked in 2021, when asked in 2023 if students used social media several times per day or more students reported the following:
- 6th grade - 33% in King County
- 8th grade - 51% in King County
- 10th grade - 68% in King County
- 12th grade - 75% in Washington
Both IMS and MIHS recently sent surveys to students, families, and staff as part of our process to learn more about cell phone use in both schools.
- IMS administrators surveyed their staff about cell phones in their school with the question “What kind of policies would you like to see at IMS for cell phones?”. 35 staff members responded to this question, with seven staff members selecting two of three answers below or they selected one answer below and also submitted an answer in the “Other” answer option:
- No Cell Phone usage in classrooms (Student may use their phones before school, during lunch, and after school) - (42.9)
- Cell phones must remain in bags from 8:25am to 2:50pm - (54.3%)
- Phones can be used for instructional purposes with the teacher’s permission and supervision - (11.4%)
*Some respondents chose more than one option, which explains the slight variation in data.
- The IMS survey to families included the question “What kind of policy would you like to see at IMS regarding cell phones?”. This question, which received 244 responses, had three responses to choose from and the responses were:
- Cell phones should be banned at school - (47.3%)
- Students may use their phones before school, during passing times, during lunch, and after school - (32.9%)
- Students may use their phones before and after school but it will be off and away during school hours - (22.8%)
*Some respondents chose both the first and third option, which explains the slight variation in data.
- MIHS sent a cell phone specific survey to students, families, and staff which included these questions:
- How often do you use your phone during class time for non-academic reasons (for example: checking social media, texting with friends, or playing games)? (242 student responses)
- I don’t have a cell phone - 1.2%
- Never - 33.1%
- Occasionally (once or twice a week) - 44.2%
- Often (three or four times a week) - 13.2%
- Always (every day) - 8.3%
- What are some of the reasons you use your cell phone during school hours (including in the classroom, in the halls, and in the bathrooms)? [Check all that apply] (242 student responses)
- I don’t use my cell phone during class time - 13.6%
- Texting friends - 52.5%
- Texting family - 78.9%
- Checking social media - 26.4%
- Checking the time - 80.2%
- Listening to music - 78.1%
- Watching videos - 17.8%
- Playing games - 17.8%
- Completing class work - 77.7%
- Rate your thoughts on this statement: Cell phone use during school is necessary to support student learning and engagement. (831 responses from students, families, and staff)
- Strongly Agree - 10.8%
- Agree - 13.6%
- Neutral - 14.2%
- Disagree - 26.5%
- Strongly Disagree - 34.9%
- Do you believe there are negative consequences to cell phone use in schools? (484 staff responses)
- Yes - 96.1%
- No - 3.9%
- How often do you use your phone during class time for non-academic reasons (for example: checking social media, texting with friends, or playing games)? (242 student responses)
We know this change is going to create a wide range of emotion from anxiety to jubilation and anger to joy. We look forward to speaking with you in the weeks to come as we all make this transition together.
This tab includes information on How MISD will implement MI Phone-Free Schools using Yondr. The How of this policy was announced to the Mercer Island community on Thursday, August 1.
Superintendent, MIHS Principal, & IMS Co-Principals Video Message On Yondr Implementation
Superintendent Video Message Slide Deck
The slide deck used in the video message to the left about the use of Yondr pouches as part of MI Phone-Free Schools can be viewed here.
MISD Phone-Free Schools Policy
To read the MISD Phone-Free Schools Policy click here.
Yondr Resources
How MISD Will Implement MI Phone-Free Schools at IMS and MIHS in 2024-25
Dear Mercer Island Community,
Two weeks ago, we announced MI Phone-Free Schools, Mercer Island School District’s new policy to make each school cell phone and smartwatch free. The first wave of communication focused on what we changed and why. We are now turning attention to how we will implement and sustain MI Phone-Free Schools.
MIHS principal Nick Wold, IMS co-principals MaryJo Budzius and Aaron Miller, and I have recorded a video that highlights how we are partnering with Yondr, an established industry leader in helping educators, artists, families, organizations, and business all around the world create cell phone-free spaces.
The information below, all of which we speak to in the video, highlights how we are implementing Yondr for MI Phone-Free Schools at IMS and MIHS starting in 2024-25. Though not a change, we are also committed to phone-free schools in our elementary schools.
Introducing Yondr
Each student will use a Yondr pouch to safely and securely store their cell phones, smartwatches, AirPods/Earbuds, and any other personal cell devices. Students will turn their cell phones off or put them in Do Not Disturb mode and then place them and their other items in the pouch and lock the pouch prior to the start of school. Students will then keep the Yondr pouch with them during the course of the school day and will unlock the pouch when leaving school for the day.
Watch Yondr Intro Video Watch Video of Yondr Pouches Being Used in A School
The pouches lock using a mechanism similar to anti-theft tags found on items in clothing, sporting goods, and other stores. Students will visit the unlocking stations at the main office if leaving early or in designated spaces in the building at the end of the day. The pouches will stay with the student until arriving at school the next day.
Students with medical or other needs requiring access to their phone during the day will use a velcro Yondr pouch. Students who use this style of pouch will have documented accommodations in their 504, IEP, or healthcare plan.
Each student will have a $15 Yondr fee on their school account to pay for the pouch. The actual amount of a Yondr pouch is $25, but the community-approved Capital and Technology Levy is offsetting the cost by covering $10 as well as all implementation fees. Students who receive financial assistance will not be charged.
Three Common Questions from Our Survey
Over 800 students, parents/guardians, staff, and community members answered the survey sent when we announced MI Phone-Free Schools two weeks ago. We hope our FAQ answers many of the questions submitted, but we want to take time right now to address three that emerged universally across all groups.
- Family Communication- Communication between parents/guardians and their children throughout the day is important to our community. A school day without cell phones will be new for our students, but not necessarily for parents and guardians. Those of us who attended school prior to cell phones remember our parents calling the main office to have a note delivered to us about a change in plans. We have several options available to students and their families.
a. Parents may call or email the main office of IMS and MIHS to request a message be delivered during the school day.
b. Students may come to the main office to use a phone to make a call to their parents or guardians.
c. MISD student emails, including IMS students, will be able to receive messages from outside MISD. Thus, parents/guardians and students will be able to communicate during the day.
d. Since the Yondr pouches do not block incoming messages, students will see messages sent to their cell phones at the end of the school day.
2. Accommodations- Students with documented medical and other health needs will have the opportunity to use a velcro Yondr pouch. The expectation will be that students with these needs only access their devices for the purposes listed in their 504, IEP, or healthcare plan.
3. Safety- Student safety is one of our high priorities and clearly the same is true for our community. Concern was expressed in the survey about contacting loved ones in the event of an emergency. Thus, we would like to reassure our students, parents/guardians, and staff of the following:
a. When it is safe to do so, students will have access to their devices by either unlocking their pouch or cutting them open.
b. Staff will have access to their personal cell phones.
c. Each classroom and office has a phone capable of making calls within or outside of the school.
d. The district will communicate with families using email, text messaging, social media, the website, and robocalls to inform families of current conditions, and provide accurate information and other details about student safety and reunification if necessary.
Consequences for Violations
Both IMS and MIHS have worked together to develop consequences for students who are found to not have their cell phone, smartwatch, and AirPods/EarBuds in a Yondr pouch.
- First offense - Teachers or staff will immediately confiscate the devices and put them in a pouch which will not be returned to the student until the end of the school day. The family will be contacted and a restorative conversation will be held with the student.
- Second offense - Teachers or staff will immediately confiscate the devices, put them in a pouch and send the pouch to the school’s main office to be stored securely. The pouch will only be returned to a parent or guardian, who will be notified that they need to come to the school office to pick up the devices. Another restorative conversation with the student and possibly a parent will be held.
- Special Note - IMS dismisses at 2:50pm on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday and at 1:20pm on Wednesday. MIHS dismisses at 3pm Monday through Friday. School office and administrative staff will not wait after school for a parent to pick up a confiscated device.
- Any further offenses will be handled on a case by case basis which could include future discipline up to and including bag searches, community service, and/or other disciplinary action including after school or Saturday detention or even suspension from school.
Support for Parents and Guardians
We take our partnership with parents and guardians to support students very seriously. Without access to their personal devices throughout the day, students will leave school with a perhaps elevated desire to catch up social media or access their phones. We want our families to further develop healthy relationships with technology at home, so we are partnering with two organizations to help.
First, our long and storied history with Mercer Island Youth and Family Services (MIYFS) will play a critical role. Derek Franklin, Michelle Ritter, and the MIYFS counselors have created a Supporting your Child/Teen’s Adjustment to Phone-Free School Days resource to help parents support their children during the transition to MI Phone-Free Schools. This resource follows a five-step parenting process that is part of the Parenting Mercer Island online tool. MIYFS has also created a summary of this resource that families can use.
Second, Scroll By Choice will join schools and families at curriculum/ back-to-school nights and other school events to offer resources and information to accompany strategies pushed out by MIYFS. Both Scroll By Choice and MIYFS are already in communication to work collaboratively in service of families.
As a reminder, we have created a unique web page, www.mercerislandschools.org/cellphone, where we provide information, resources, and updates to our community on the implementation of MI Phone-Free Schools. This page includes videos, links to cell phones in schools studies, stories, and reports, and information on the U.S. Surgeon General’s advisory on Social Media and Youth Mental Health.
More information will be available throughout the month leading up to August 28 when we launch MI Phone-Free Schools. Please visit our website for the most up to date information. On behalf of our school board of directors, principals, and staff, thank you for your support as we implement a change that is in the best interest of our children.
Fred Rundle
This tab includes four FAQ sections that provide answers specifically on Yondr as well answers for three distinct groups in our community - parents, students, and staff. This FAQ will be updated as new questions and answers come to the fore.
Yondr FAQ
- What is Yondr?
- What is a Yondr pouch?
- How does it work?
- Why does the school suggest Do Not Disturb mode instead of silent, Airplane mode, or completing turning the device off?
- Why is MISD introducing Yondr pouches?
- Will students be able to see the Yondr pouches or receive a demonstration of them prior to the start of school?
- How will students receive a Yondr pouch?
- How will the process work at arrival and dismissal?
- Will my student’s phone be safe?
- What is the cost of my student’s Yondr pouch?
- Can students decorate their Yondr pouch?
- Do Yondr pouches block cell signals or the internet?
- When do my devices need to be placed in the pouch and when can I open it at the end of the day?
What is Yondr?
- Yondr is a company teaming up with schools, performing arts venues and other groups to support phone and device free environments. Visit Yondr Website
What is a Yondr pouch?
- The Yondr pouch is a secure bag that is used to store an individual’s cell phone or devices. It is secured and unlocked with a magnetic locking device similar to theft protection tags you find in clothing stores.
- Velcro instead of the magnetic locking pouches are used by students who need access to their devices for medical or other previously approved reasons.
How does it work?
- As students enter school they will put their cell phone in Do Not Disturb mode and then place their cell phone, smartwatch, and AirPods/EarBuds in their assigned Yondr pouch.
- Students close and secure their Yondr pouch to and put it in their backpack or bag to keep it with them throughout the school day.
- When leaving school, students tap their Yondr pouch on a base unit to unlock it and remote their devices from the pouch until the next day.
- Students keep the pouches with them whether at school or not.
Why does the school suggest Do Not Disturb mode instead of silent, Airplane mode, or completing turning the device off?
- Do Not Disturb mode allows the device to continue receiving messages without notifying the user with any vibrations or sounds.
- Do Not Disturb mode allows parents/guardians and others who use Find My Phone, Life 360, or other apps to monitor the location of their child.
- Airplane mode restricts this option.
- Silent mode, unless changed in settings, will continue to vibrate. These vibrations are distracting and can be anxiety provoking for the user to be aware of new messages throughout the day without being able to access them.
Why is MISD introducing Yondr pouches?
- IMS and MIHS is seeking to limit distractions in the classroom and improve overall student engagement, mental health, and well-being.
- The pouches physically restrict access, but more importantly they serve as a symbolic decision that we will make each day to set aside personal devices in favor of active participation in school socially and academically.
Will students be able to see the Yondr pouches or receive a demonstration of them prior to the start of school?
- At Fees and Photos Days (MIHS) and Back to School Day (IMS) there will be Yondr pouches and pouch unlocking mechanisms at each school for students and parents to check out and test. There will be a table set up inside the main entrance at each school for this hands-on experience for students and parents.
How will students receive a Yondr pouch?
- In August, all students in grades 6-12 will be assigned a Yondr pouch to secure their personal devices i.e. cell phone, smartwatch, and AirPods/EarBuds. Students are responsible for the Yondr pouch at all times and for bringing the pouch to and from school each day.
- IMS - During the first day of school, all students will receive their Yondr pouch during one of their morning classes. Throughout the day, different expectations about the pouch will be reinforced by classroom teachers.
- MIHS - During our typical back to school days called “Fees and Photos”, students will receive a Yondr pouch. If for some reason you cannot attend Fees and Photos, students will receive a Yondr pouch the first day of school.
How will the process work at arrival and dismissal?
- Upon entering school, students will turn off their cell phone, or place it in Do Not Disturb mode, put it inside the Yondr pouch and lock it. Students will keep their Yondr pouch in their backpack. The pouch will be unlocked at the end of the school day in the main lobby area and/or at the attendance window.
Will my student’s phone be safe?
What is the cost of my student’s Yondr pouch?
- Through the community-approved Technology Levy, each student will only pay $15 for their pouch through In-Touch during the RSVP (back to school) process. Families will see a Yondr Pouch Fee on their account for $15. This will be similar to a “lab fee” or other fee students pay for some courses. The actual amount of the pouch is $25, but the Technology Levy offsets a portion of the cost.
- Students and parents can also purchase the pouch at back to school (IMS) and fees and photo days (MIHS) or online through the In-Touch portal.
- Students who receive financial assistance will have their fee waived.
- Students who have a medical or other need that requires a velcro pouch will be given a velcro pouch.
- The replacement cost for each pouch is $25.
- Students who need to replace a lost or damaged pouch will go to the tech office.
- Until the pouch is replaced, students are expected to adhere to all phone expectations and are subject to the same consequences.
- New students who enroll during the year will purchase their Yondr pouch during the registration process and receive their pouch from the technology offices.
Can students decorate their Yondr pouch?
- Students must write their name on their pouch so that it can easily be identified. Any personalization should not interfere with the functionality of the pouch or locking clasp. Other markings or decorations must uphold the values and expectations of the district and schools. Cutting holes or slits in the pouch is prohibited. If a pouch is damaged and is no longer functional as deemed by the school, a replacement pouch must be purchased through the school technology office. Replacement pouches are available for purchase for $25.
Do Yondr pouches block cell signals or the internet?
When do my devices need to be placed in the pouch and when can I open it at the end of the day?
- IMS - All personal devices, earbuds, phone and/or watches must be locked in the Yonder bag no later than 8:20 am, and may be unlocked at the end of the student day at 2:50 pm (M, T, Th & F) and 1:20 pm on Wednesdays. If a student arrives late to school, that student needs to lock up as they enter campus and check-in at the front desk. If a student leaves early from school, that student can unlock at the front office on their way out of school.
- MIHS - All cell phones, smart watches and ear pods will be placed in the Yondr pouch. Students will be able to open their pouch when they leave campus. If they return to campus they will need to re-lock their items in their pouch.
Parents FAQ
- When will MI Phone-Free Schools go into effect?
- How does my child that is diabetic or has a health need monitor their medical condition without a cell phone?
- How do I get in touch with my child to inform them of changes to a prearranged schedule or to convey other information?
- Will I still be able to use Find My Phone to keep track of my student’s location?
- How does my neuro diverse student listen to music during school?
- What happens in an emergency?
- Why can’t I communicate with my student during a school emergency?
- My child needs their phone, period. How do I make sure my child has a phone?
- I am upset with the decision, who do I contact?
- Can my student bring a personal laptop or tablet to school?
- Why does my student’s smartwatch need to be put in the Yondr pouch?
- Will the district make any considerations or accommodations for unique circumstances?
- Why can’t the school just implement a zero-tolerance policy and allow students to keep their phones put away?
- Will the elementary school be using Yondr pouches?
- Is MISD providing any sort of parent education materials/classes?
- Do we have to purchase a Yondr pouch every school year?
When will MI Phone-Free Schools go into effect?
- MI Phone-Free Schools will go into effect on the first day of school at both IMS and MIHS.
- Consequences for violations of MI Phone-Free Schools policy will be “soft” from Wednesday, August 28 to Friday, August 30.
- Starting Tuesday, September 3 full consequences for violations of the policy will be in effect.
How does my child that is diabetic or has a health need monitor their medical condition without a cell phone?
- Yondr pouches with a velcro opening will be available for students that require access to a phone to monitor or track a medical condition. This not only provides access to students when they need it, but it also ensures they are not excluded from having a Yondr pouch because of their health impairment. When the student has finished using the phone it will need to be put back in the Yondr pouch and placed in the student’s backpack.
- The fee for a Yondr pouch for students with a medical condition will be waived.
How do I get in touch with my child to inform them of changes to a prearranged schedule or to convey other information?
- Students will be able to receive emails on their district email account from family members and they can check their email account on their school issued laptop and iPad. We will be removing the “walled garden” around IMS that did not allow emails from outside the district to IMS student email accounts. MIHS student email accounts have previously allowed students to receive emails from outside the district.
- Our schools are staffed throughout the day with people who are here to help. Families can call or email the front office and ask for a note to be delivered to the student.
- Offices at our schools have phones and students can use an office phone to contact a parent.
- Messages can be sent to students' phones which they will receive after school ends for the day.
Will I still be able to use Find My Phone to keep track of my student’s location?
- Yes. Cell signals and access to the internet are not blocked by a Yondr pouch. When arriving at school students should put their cell phone in Do Not Disturb mode prior to putting it in a pouch. If a student turns off their cell phone prior to putting it in a pouch, then parents will not be able to use Find My Phone to track the location of their student.
How does my neuro diverse student listen to music during school?
- Students will be able to use school supplied headphones with cords to connect to their laptops\iPads to listen to music within specified times within the classroom. At MIHS streaming platforms are not blocked and students that need to stream music can do that on their laptop. The MISD IT team will make sure all school issued laptops (MIHS) and iPads (iPads) will be able to listen to music by streaming KMIH 88.9 The Bridge.
What happens in an emergency?
- School staff will allow access to personal devices at the appropriate time and when it is safe to do so. Our staff is trained to handle several different emergency events. It is imperative in an emergency, that students focus on the information being provided by the trained adult and that will include when it is safe to access/use their personal devices.
Why can’t I communicate with my student during a school emergency?
- Not having access to social media and texting might actually keep students safer during an emergency.
- This keeps students from messaging locations or other information that could compromise safety.
- Students will be able to more clearly focus on instructions and directions from school administrators and first responders during an emergency situation.
- Allows the district to communicate accurate information to families regarding a situation, reunification, and other announcements.
My child needs their phone, period. How do I make sure my child has a phone?
I am upset with the decision, who do I contact?
Can my student bring a personal laptop or tablet to school?
- MIHS - To start the school year MIHS will allow students to have personal laptops and tablets for access to educational resources. MIHS will be monitoring this situation during the school year and could make changes.
- IMS - To start the school year IMS will not allow personal laptops, tablets or other personal electronic devices.
Why does my student’s smartwatch need to be put in the Yondr pouch?
- Smartwatches can be used to send text messages which is a distraction to the learning environment of the student and other students in the vicinity of the smartwatch. We know smartwatches can be set to a “Schooltime mode” but we cannot guarantee every student will have their smartwatch set to “Schooltime mode” nor can we guarantee that smartwatch won’t be changed out of “Schooltime mode” during the school day which would make it possible for the watch to send messages and be used in other ways during class and while at school which will cause distractions and interruptions to the learning environment.
Will the district make any considerations or accommodations for unique circumstances?
Why can’t the school just implement a zero-tolerance policy and allow students to keep their phones put away?
Will the elementary school be using Yondr pouches?
Is MISD providing any sort of parent education materials/classes?
- Scroll By Choice- Beginning in 2024-2025, MISD created an additional partnership with Scroll By Choice, a new company from right here in the region. Scroll By Choice is developing resources for parents and will be hosting education sessions designed to empower parents to help teach their children how to establish a more balanced and healthy relationship with technology.
- Mercer Island Youth and Family Services (MIYFS) - MIYFS is a valued MISD partner that helps support the mental health of our students and families. Derek Franklin, MIchelle Ritter, and MIYFS counselors have created a Supporting your Child/Teen’s Adjustment to Phone-Free School Days resource to help parents support their children during the transition to MI Phone-Free Schools. This resource follows a five-step parenting process that is part of the Parenting Mercer Island online tool. MIYFS has also created a summary of this resource that families can use. MIYFS will also be collaborating with Scroll By Choice and partnering with our PTSAs as we move forward with MI Phone-Free Schools.
Do we have to purchase a Yondr pouch every school year?
Students FAQ
- What if I need to contact a parent?
- When do my devices need to be put in the Yondr pouch?
- Should I power off my devices?
- When can I open the pouch?
- What if I have an off period?
- Why can’t I access my cell phone during lunch or between classes?
- What if I walk between CREST and the main MIHS campus?
- What if I am caught with my cell phone, smartwatch, or AirPods/EarBuds not in a Yondr pouch?
- Can I have my devices on the bus?
- How does my athletics coach or fine arts staff notify me of updates to practice/game/event schedules?
- What happens if I forget to unlock my pouch before leaving school?
- What happens if I forget my Yondr pouch at home?
- What if I have questions?
What if I need to contact a parent?
When do my devices need to be put in the Yondr pouch?
- Before entering school, all cell phones, smartwatches, and AirPods/EarBuds should be placed in the pouch and locked and then put in your backpack.
- IMS - All phones and personal electronic devices need to be put away by the 8:20 bell. This will ensure that all devices are not impactful to teaching and learning starting at 8:25.
- MIHS - Students will be required to have all of their individual items put away by the time their first period of the day begins. The day is finished, students will be able to find an unlocking station to open up their Yondr pouches.
Should I power off my devices?
When can I open the pouch?
What if I have an off period?
Why can’t I access my cell phone during lunch or between classes?
- Our goal with this MI Phone-Free Policy is to provide a school atmosphere free from distraction. We believe this is as important during lunch and passing times as it is during class. We want our students to engage with the humans around them and learn to interact without technology. The unlocking of pouches during lunch, or between classes, will lead students to using their devices in the halls heading to class and into class, which causes a situation where time must be time spent by teachers and staff to make sure students have put their phones back in their pouch and in a backpack. The time spent to do this will be time taken away from class instruction. Upon entering class, students should be ready to engage in the classroom instruction. Students have off periods and not all students are in the commons/lunch area at all times during lunch. Unlocking pouches during these two times creates a situation where students would have access to cell phones in areas of the schools where other students do not have access.
What if I walk between CREST and the main MIHS campus?
What if I am caught with my cell phone, smartwatch, or AirPods/EarBuds not in a Yondr pouch?
- Both IMS and MIHS have worked together to develop consequences for students who do not have their cell phone, smartwatch, and AirPods/EarBuds in a Yondr pouch?
- First offense - Teachers or staff will immediately confiscate the devices and put them in a pouch which will not be returned to the student until the end of the school day. The family will be contacted and a restorative conversation will be held with the student.
- Second offense - Teachers or staff will immediately confiscate the devices, put them in a pouch and send the pouch to the school’s main office to be stored securely. The pouch will only be returned to a parent or guardian, who will be notified that they need to come to the school office to pick up the devices. Another restorative conversation with the student and possibly a parent will be held.
- Special Note: IMS dismisses at 2:50pm on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday and at 1:20pm on Wednesday. MIHS dismisses at 3pm Monday through Friday. School office and administrative staff will not wait after school for a parent to pick up a confiscated device.
- Any further offenses will be handled on a case by case basis which could include future discipline up to and including bag searches, community service, and/or other disciplinary action including after school or Saturday detention or even suspension from school.
Can I have my devices on the bus?
How does my athletics coach or fine arts staff notify me of updates to practice/game/event schedules?
- Coaches, club advisors and fine arts staff will utilize Schoology Groups as a means to communicate with students. Students have access to Schoology throughout the day on their district assigned device. As a backup, coaches, club advisors and Fine Arts staff can also send messages that will be seen after school when students open their Yondr pouches and have access to their phones. Both groups can also email students updates. Both coaches and fine arts staff will need to adjust their messages to students in lieu of MI Phone-Free Schools.
What happens if I forget to unlock my pouch before leaving school?
What happens if I forget my Yondr pouch at home?
- If a student forgets their pouch, it is their responsibility to keep their phone in their backpack or bag either on Do Not Disturb Mode or turned off. Loaner pouches will not be given out to students who forget their pouch. Consequences for being caught having a cell phone or device outside of a pouch would still apply.
What if I have questions?
Staff FAQ
- Why are we implementing this policy?
- What changes do we expect from staff?
- What if students need social media for an assignment?
- Students in my class need their devices for a certain app on a regular basis to do classwork.
- Do I have to lock my device in a pouch?
- Who is responsible for enforcing MI Phone-Free Schools?
- How will schools monitor the implementation of MI Phone-Free Schools?
Why are we implementing this policy?
What changes do we expect from staff?
- Staff cell phones, smartwatches, AirPods/EarBuds are not out or visible in classrooms and hallways when students are present.
- In spaces where we restrict cell phone use for students the same will apply to staff.
- Office spaces are places where devices are permitted for use.
- Staff should not place their cell phones in the back pocket of their pants and move around their class or school. Cell phones need to be out of sight.
What if students need social media for an assignment?
Students in my class need their devices for a certain app on a regular basis to do classwork.
- Staff should have a conversation with their school administrators and/or Technology Coaches to determine the plausibility of students accessing the app through their District assigned devices. Staff should also work with administrators and/or coaches to identify different ways to instruct and engage students in class work which do not require the use of a cell phone.
Do I have to lock my device in a pouch?
- All teachers and staff will be provided with an alternate Yondr pouch. Staff will not be required to put their cell phones in a pouch. But as they are expected to model the behavior we expect from students, texting, accessing social media, and walking around with phones in their back pockets is not the example we want to set for our students. We will be highly encouraging our staff to put their cell phones in the alternate pouch during class time and not access their cell phones when students are present. As the celebrated author of “All I Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten”, Robert Fulghum, said “Don’t worry that children never listen to you; worry that they are always watching you”. This has meaning for all MISD staff as our students will be watching staff as MI Phone-Free Schools is implemented and staff need to model the behavior we expect from our students.
Who is responsible for enforcing MI Phone-Free Schools?
How will schools monitor the implementation of MI Phone-Free Schools?
Additional Resources
MIHS Principal Wold Answers Student Questions
In a special edition of The Current, MIHS Principal Nick Wold answered student questions about MI Phone-Free Schools at a "special" press conference. This was an informative and fun video addressing the new policy.
Cell Phones In Schools Studies, Stories, and Reports
U.S. Surgeon General on Social Media
On June 17, 2024 United States Surgeon Dr. General Vivek Murthy called for a warning label on social media in an Opinion Essay in the New York Times.
In 2023 Dr. Murthy published a advisory on Social Media and Youth Mental Health.
A Surgeon General’s Advisory uses the best available science to shed light on major public health challenges and suggest possible solutions.
The Social Media and Mental Health Advisory called for engaging in a multifaceted effort to maximize the benefits and reduce the risk of harm posed by social media with actions suggested for groups including: children and adolescents, policymakers, technology companies, researchers, and families.
The Office of the Surgeon General website has a webpage dedicated to social media and youth mental health with numerous resources and ways to take action.
Mercer Island Youth and Family Resources (MIYFS)
MIYFS is a valued MISD partner that helps support the mental health of our students and families.
Derek Franklin, Michelle Ritter, and MIYFS counselors has created a Supporting your Child/Teen’s Adjustment to Phone-Free School Days resource to help parents support their children during the transition to MI Phone-Free Schools. This resource follows a five-step parenting process that is part of the Parenting Mercer Island online tool. MIYFS has also created a summary of this resource that families can use.
MIYFS will also be collaborating with Scroll By Choice and partnering with our PTSAs as we move forward with MI Phone-Free Schools.
Scroll By Choice
Beginning in 2024-2025, MISD created an additional partnership with Scroll By Choice, a new company from right here in the region. Scroll By Choice is developing resources for parents and will be hosting education sessions designed to empower parents to help teach their children how to establish a more balanced and healthy relationship with technology.
Yondr Resources
Yondr - How It Works (video)
Yondr White Paper (PDF)
Yondr Partner Testimonials (PDF)
Yondr Pouches In a School (video-no audio)
Yondr Locking Demonstration (video)
Yondr In School - Students & Staff (video)
Yondr In School - TV News story (video)
MISD Yondr Flier (pdf)