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Alumni & Reunions

Class of 1975 50th Reunion

The Mercer Island High School Class of 1975 is planning their 50th year reunion. The Reunion will be held on August 23, 2025 at the Mercer Island Community and Event Center.

The class has created a website for the reunion which will be used for communication, registration, and payment. 

We are so excited for the Class of 75 to celebrate this milestone!

MIHS Class of 195 Reunion drawing of ferry board on water with sun rising in the background

Class of 2000 25th Reunion

Date: Saturday, August 23, 2025
Time: 6pm-11pm
Place: Georgetown Ballroom
Address: 5623 Airport Way S, Seattle, WA 98108

Further details are TBD. The class of 2000 is planning to go to the Roanoke on the Friday night beforehand starting around 7pm.

Planning a Mercer Island High School reunion?

Please let us know so we can help your committee get the event publicized!

Contact Ian Henry, Communications and Alumni Relations Coordinator, at 206-236-4514 or

Celebrating Alumni

We love to celebrate MIHS alumni on our social media platforms. Mercer Island is such a unique and interconnected community, which can be seen by how MIHS alumni stay connected after graduation.

If you are gathering with other MIHS alumni, whether at college, a sporting event, or at a community function we encourage you to send us a picture of the group to post on our platforms.

You can send photos to to be posted on our social platforms. Make sure to include the names of alumni in the photo and what the group is doing in the photo. Providing as much context as possible of the photo is also highly encouraged.

We are proud to celebrate our graduates share updates with our close knit community.

If you have questions you can reach out to MISD Communications & Alumni Coordinator Ian Henry (Class of 1991) at or 206-236-4514.

Jordan Morris Represents USA At 2022 World Cup

MISD alumnus Jordan Morris played for Team USA at the 2022 World Cup in Qatar. Jordan’s former teachers recorded messages of support and good luck for Jordan and his Team USA teammates prior to the World Cup. This video was very well received in the community and was shared by many news organizations and the Sounders. 

Good Luck Jordan! Mercer Island Is With You